Ministry Mapping Objectives
For Congregational Stewardship
To help congregations see ministry being done together as a whole and appreciate God's design of interconnectedness:
Celebrating each ministry's strengths, identifying what aspects of each ministry may need to be improved, and helping each ministry to avoid over- or under-functioning.
Assisting congregational leaders gently guide every ministry towards increased Gospel impact, while living within the means God has provided. (Matthew 28:18; I Peter 3:15; Acts 6:1-6).
Assisting leaders to become self-aware and make significant and enduring improvements (leverage), "not through large scale efforts, but from small well-focused actions" (Peter Senge). (Ephesians 4:8).
To improve stewardship of congregational resources, staffing, and lay-ministry teams, both spiritually and physically ("Gospel Impact" and "Financial Viability"):
Encouraging an overall shared stewardship approach so that ministry teams find new ways to partner and collaborate in ministry, avoiding silos and fragmentation (I Corinthians 12:25-27; Ephesians 4:12-13).
Linking congregational stewardship decisions to the congregation's overall goal of loving people and saving souls (John 3:16-17).
Applying three Classical Stewardship Principals: shared stewardship approach, counting the cost, and living within your means.
To provide a visual picture (map) of a congregation's core ministry activities:
Making the strategic ministry plan explicit, and the congregation's mission, vision, and core values prominent, holding the environment.
Providing a current state analysis to assess if "The Plan" (that is, each ministry, the staff, and all volunteers) are serving in alignment with the mission, vision, and core values of the organization.
Articulating internal customs and value propositions in a single snapshot (map) of each ministry in relationship to one another.
Providing new insights for strategy development when evaluating ministry interventions like partnerships, mergers, and legacy plans.
Ministry Mapping Expected Benefits
For Congregational Stewardship
Expected benefits of creating a Ministry Map for a congregational stewardship model include:
Providing a pathway for congregations and non-profits to speak intelligently and honestly about stewardship challenges and opportunities (Ephesians 4:15).
Prompting discussions on how to effectively address stewardship challenges in a comprehensive and integrated manner (Ephesians 5:16).
Motivating leaders and ministry teams to partner and collaborate in ministry (1 Corinthians 12:25-27; Eph. 4:12–13).
Aligning resources according to God's mission and the ministry vision (Mt. 28:18, I Pet. 3:15).
Assisting leaders in formulating ministry descriptions for church workers and lay leaders based on insights from the "true cost" data worksheets (Ephesians 4:8).
Encouraging the emergence of new leadership (I Tim 4:12) and creating spiritual growth opportunities (Ephesians 5:16).
Developing strategies to promote ministry partnerships (Philippians 4:1 – 13).
Clarifying and promoting ministry, staffing, and lay-ministry alignment with the congregational mission, vision, and core values (Acts 6:1 – 6)
In summary, the ultimate desired outcome will be improved participation in God's mission to feed the sheep and reach the lost.